
Gwaredu BVD
If you believe your cows are infected with BVD, please click here to contact us on
01554 748576
Keep up to date with all the Gwaredu BVD latest news here!

Welsh Government to launch Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (Wales) Order on 1 July 2024
On 1 July, the Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (Wales) Order 2024 will be introduced to facilitate an industry-led approach to eradicating the disease. Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) is a widespread viral disease affecting cattle, which can lead to abortion, infertility, deformed calves, and compromised herd health and welfare, particularly among young stock. Herds infected with BVD often experience increased cases of
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BVD Eradication In Wales – The Next Step
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Welsh Government BVD consultation update
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Gwaredu BVD Project Launched!
Wales Launches First Nationwide Test & Treat For BVD
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